Tokyo Institute of Technology

Tokyo Institute of Technology
  • Acceralation
  • PoC
  • Pre-founding
  • STEM Talent
  • University-related
  • Deep Tech
Web site


Tokyo Institute of Technology celebrates its 140th anniversary in 2021. The founding spirit of the university, which states, "We did not start an industrial school because there were industries and factories, but we started an industrial school to produce graduates to start industries and factories," is exactly what the university aims to achieve by fostering human resources and creating industries. Today, academic deep tech startups are very important in terms of contributing to the transformation of the industrial structure and the development of the Japanese economy on a global scale, and we believe that our university has an important role to play in this area. In this project, we will establish a problem-solving GAP Fund program and provide a prototype of a support model for the creation of deep tech startups that utilize the seeds of academia's technology and expand globally.

Initiative details

In the new GAP Fund Program, a team will have research analysts who will conduct domestic and international market research and competitive research, etc., in addition to mentors and facilitators. The team will not only develop the technology, but also formulate a business model to expand the business globally. Furthermore, with the aim of building an issue-driven GAP Fund Program, business developers who have the both background of science and business management will be selected as a team member, and then, university researchers, who are able to develop technical solution to address the global issues and needs that the business developers wish to tackle, are selected and brought into the team.

Through this program, a team can develop their business plan for overseas expansion from the GAP Fund stage, when the buddings of new startups are nurtured, leading to deep tech startups from academia that will grow up globally. At the same time, the participation of human resources with a background of science as business developers and research analysts will help to expand the startup management talent pool. We believe that the establishment of a model for a startups’ support program that supports their global growth and produces human resources to manage deep tech startups will be an extremely effective means of boosting the growth of deep tech startups not only at Tokyo Tech but also in Tokyo and Japan.


KPIs & Achievements

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Outcomes / As of June 31, 2024

Outputs / As of June 31, 2024

SU Support Info

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