Mediagene Inc.
- Event
- Acceralation
- Women
- Pre-founding
- Early
An online publisher that operates “GIZMODO” and “BUSINESS INSIDER JAPAN”. The company aims to solve social issues through media, and specializes in helping companies solve problems and building networks among participants by hosting events, etc. In 2023, it will merge with TNL, a Taiwanese media company, and expand its business not only in Japan but also overseas with a focus on Asia. The company is currently expanding its business not only in Japan but also overseas with a focus on Asia.
Partner entities
Initiative details
Utilize our assets as a media company: Based on our media “MASHING UP,” which has long supported startups through events and articles on the theme of women’s success, and “Business Insider Japan,” which has focused on startups that solve social issues for a long time We contribute to business expansion by spreading the business stories of startups.
Acceleration: We can provide highly specialized programs from our abundant human resources by maximizing media relations and our management network.
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