Selected Entities

  • Keio University

    Keio University

    • Incubation
    • Community
    • Pre-founding
    • Angel
    • University-related
    • All Industries

    Launch of Keio Startup Incubation Program (KSIP) to support creation and growth of university-originated deep tech startups

  • 01Booster Capital, inc

    01Booster Capital, inc

    • Incubation
    • Fundraising
    • Corporate Talent
    • Angel
    • Startup Supporters
    • All Industries

    Discover Buried Brilliance in Enterprises: Boosting Spin-offs & Spin-outs by 10x!

  • HAKOBUNE inc.

    HAKOBUNE inc.

    • Incubation
    • Overseas Development
    • Pre-founding
    • Corporate Talent
    • Angel
    • All Industries

    Realizing an ecosystem that supports entrepreneurs and prospective entrepreneurs taking on global challenges.

*Antler declined their participation in this project after being selected.